School of Law and Social Sciences
(Royal Holloway, University of London)
Call for Papers
The School of Law and Social Sciences at Royal Holloway (University of London) is pleased to announce a call for papers for an interdisciplinary Ph.D. Conference on Conflict, Political Violence, and Human Rights. We invite submissions from students currently enrolled in a Ph.D. program or who have recently submitted their thesis. The conference is interdisciplinary and invites papers from all branches of social sciences and law.
This will be a two-day conference and will be held in-person at the Founder’s Building, Royal Holloway (University of London) along with parallel online access on 27th of May 2022 and entirely online on 28th of May 2022. While submitting your abstract, please mention whether you would like to be considered for an in-person or online presentation. A zoom link will be shared to the email address provided on registration. Please note that both the presenters and attendees are required to register.
Click here to register.

We are also pleased to announce that Dr. Kristian Gleditsch (Regius Professor of Political Science in the Department of Government at the University of Essex), Dr. Jonathan Leader-Maynard (Lecturer in International Politics, King’s College London), Dr. Ruth J. Blakeley (Professor of Politics and International Relations, University of Sheffield) will deliver keynote talks.
There will be three separate awards for the best theoretical, quantitative and qualitative presentations.
In order to be considered, please send your abstract of no more than 300 words to the email address by 31st of March 2022. The decision will be communicated by the 15th of April 2022.
If you would like to receive more information about this event, please contact at and follow on Twitter @CPVHRConf.
Conference Committee:
Miss. Isabella Da Re, Department of Law and Criminology, Royal Holloway.
Mr. Deon Chorley, Department of Law and Criminology, Royal Holloway
Miss. Lucia Frigo, Department of Politics, International Relations and Philosophy, Royal Holloway.
Mr. Luqman Saeed, Department of Economics, Royal Holloway.