Heidi Maiberg
Doctoral Researcher in Criminology and Criminology
- Heidi.Maiberg.2019@rhul.ac.uk
- Heidi Maiberg
About Heidi...
Researcher in voluntary-based deradicalisation and disengagement programmes in Europe and Northern America
Her research focuses on how is impact of the programmes assessed in voluntary-based deradicalisation and disengagement programmes in Europe and Northern America.
She was the head research assistant at the CREST-funded project “Disengagement and Desistance: A Systematic Review.” Currently, she is a member of the C-REX RTV dataset international expert network in mapping the developments of the right-wing milieu in the Baltic States and is the project manager of the Eramus+ project “Tackling Sensitive Topics in a Classroom.”
Heidi has teaching experience in general education and higher education. For instance, she has been an associate lecturer at Birkbeck, University of London.
The Phoenix Model of Disengagement and Deradicalisation from Terrorism and Violent Extremism
Silke, A., Morrison, J. F., Maiberg, H., Slay, C. & Stewart, R., 18 Aug 2021, (E-pub ahead of print) In: Monatsscrift fur Kriminologie und Strafrechtsreform.
A Systematic Review Of Post-2017 Research On Disengagement And Deradicalisation
Morrison, J. F., Silke, A., Maiberg, H., Slay, C. & Stewart, R., 9 Aug 2021,
The Role Of (Dis)Trust in Disengagement and Deradicalisation
Morrison, J. F., Silke, A., Maiberg, H., Slay, C. & Stewart, R., 23 Jul 2021
Overview of Methods Supporting the De-radicalisation and Disengagement of Islamic Radicals
Maiberg, H., 12 Dec 2019, In: Estonian Journal of Military Studies. 13, p. 149-179