Harry Triggs

Doctoral Researcher in Classics

About Harry...

Researcher on the effect of violent, imperialist conquest on the collective memory of those who suffered this conquest

Harry’s focus is predominantly on Roman history, and his doctoral research project is entitled “Memories of Conquest in the Roman Imperial West.” As such, a major focus of the study is the effect of violent, imperialist conquest on the collective memory of those who suffered this conquest, as well as how these events were remembered and memorialized. The study looks to examine the memory and memorialisation of Roman conquest in Gaul, Britannia and Germania between the reigns of Augustus and Hadrian. In doing so, it hopes to determine how memory of conquest impacted and informed local communities, collectives and identities, examining how these memories and memorials of violent conquest changed socio-cultural dynamics amongst conquered peoples, as well as how conquest and its memorial traces changed the means and ways through which these cultures understood and defined themselves. Harry’s research will primarily be utilising literature and archaeology as evidence, and will use a variety of methodologies and theories, including memory studies, colonial geographies, post colonialist theory and trauma theory.

Institutional Affiliations


Royal Holloway, University of London

PhD candidate in Classics


Royal Holloway, University of London

MA Ancient History


Royal Holloway, University of London

BA Classical Studies


Triggs, H. (2021). How do the Galli of the Magna Mater cult occupy gendered space in Latin Literature? New Classicists [5], P. 34-45. https://615ff4e8-6d2d-411d-a89d-2d82f405162b.filesusr.com/ugd/f6d36b_ca2bc2173eea43958ef5b45cce67d8f1.pdf