Dr. Patrick Doyle
Historian of the nineteenth-century United States
- Patrick.Doyle@rhul.ac.uk
- Patrick Doyle
About Dr. Doyle...
Dr. Doyle's research interest lies in the American Civil War and its transformative consequences
Drawing on the analytical approaches of social and cultural history, Dr. Doyle’s work strives to understand how warfare redefines ideas about power, gender, and governance, as well as the construction of social and political identities. He is particularly interested in understanding these processes within the U.S. South and thereby making sense of the complex challenges and contradictions experienced by a slave society at war.
Dr. Doyle’s research has appeared in a number of leading journals, such as the Historical Journal, Journal of the Civil War Era, and Journal of Social History, and has tackled a wide array of themes that pertain to histories of conflict and violence, including desertion, irregular warfare, and the relationship between military conscription and ideas about citizenship. This research has been financially supported by multiple grants, most notably awards from the Arts and Humanities Research Council and the US-UK Fulbright Commission (whose American Studies scholarship enabled me to spend three months at the University of South Carolina during spring 2018).
Dr. Doyle is a proud member of multiple scholarly organizations, including the Association of British American Nineteenth Century Historians, the Southern Historical Association, and the Society of Civil War Historians. He is also a book reviews editor for American Nineteenth Century History, a Routledge/Taylor & Francis journal.
“It Will Take a Man Person With You To… Keep the Place Up”: Family, Gender, and Power in Confederate Common White Households
Doyle, P., 7 Sep 2021, In: Journal of Social History. 55, 1, p. 127-148.
Replacement Rebels: Confederate Substitution and the Issue of Citizenship
Doyle, P., Mar 2018, In: Journal of the Civil War Era. 8, 1, p. 3-31.
Charles J.C. Hutson and Confederate Flag Culture
Doyle, P., 7 Dec 2017, U.S. Studies Online. Internet publication
Extended review of George C. Rable, ‘Damn Yankees! Demonization and Defiance in the Confederate South’
Doyle, P., Sep 2016, In: Reviews in History.
Joint review of Susanna Michele Lee, ‘Claiming the Union: Citizenship in the Post-Civil War South’ and Barton A. Myers, ‘Rebels against the Confederacy: North Carolina’s Unionists’
Doyle, P., Sep 2016, In: American Nineteenth Century History. 17, 3, p. 345-348.
No Backward Step: Walter Johnson, ‘River of Dark Dreams: Slavery and Empire in the Cotton Kingdom’ – A Roundtable Review
Doyle, P., Sim, D., Cohen, J. & Plath, L., 2016, In: Journal of American Studies . 50, p. 231-247
Violence, Conflict, and Loyalty in the Carolina Piedmont: A Comparative Perspective
Brown, D. & Doyle, P., Apr 2015, The Civil War Guerrilla: Unfolding the Black Flag in History, Memory, and Myth. Beilein, J. & Hulbert, M. C. (eds.). Lexington, KY: University of Kentucky Press, p. 71-98 (New Directions in Southern History).
Understanding the Desertion of South Carolinian Soldiers during the Final Years of the Confederacy
Doyle, P., 2013, In: The Historical Journal. 56, p. 657-679