About Dr. Jinks...
Historian of comparative genocide and humanitarianism
Dr Jinks’ first book, Representing Genocide: The Holocaust as Paradigm? (Bloomsbury, 2016) examines the ways in which representations of the Holocaust have influenced how other genocides are understood and represented, focusing on the ‘canonical’ cases of genocide – Armenia, Cambodia, Bosnia, and Rwanda – and the process by which they became canonised, using film, literature, photography, and memorialisation.
Her second research project focused on gender, humanitarianism, and photography in the aftermath of the Armenian genocide, and she published ‘“Marks Hard to Erase”: The Troubled Reclamation of “Absorbed” Armenian Women, 1919-1927’ in the American Historical Review in 2018. She has now been awarded a 2-year AHRC Research, Development and Engagement Leadership Fellowship to turn this into a comparative project, focusing on the ‘genocidal captivity’ of Armenian and Yezidi women during the 1915 and 2014 genocides respectively.
Recent Publications
Genocide and Memory
Stone, D. & Jinks, R., 2022, (Accepted/In press) Genocide: Key Themes. Bloxham, D. & Moses, A. D. (eds.). Oxford University Press
‘“Making good” in the Near East: The Smith College Relief Unit, Near East Relief, and Visions of Armenian Reconstruction, 1919-1921’
Jinks, R., 2020, Aid to Armenia. Laycock, J. & Piana, F. (eds.). Manchester University Press
Representing Genocide: The Holocaust as Paradigm?
Jinks, R., 13 Feb 2019, In: S:I.M.O.N. Shoah: Intervention. Methods. Documentation.. 5, 2, p. 54-71
Cultural codes: Holocaust resonances in representations of genocide perpetrators
Jinks, R., 2019, (Accepted/In press) Routledge Handbook of Perpetrator Studies. Knittel, S. & Goldberg, Z. (eds.). Routledge
“Marks Hard to Erase”: The Troubled Reclamation of “Absorbed” Armenian Women, 1919–1927
Jinks, R., 6 Feb 2018, In: American Historical Review. 123, 1, p. 86-123
Representing Genocide: The Holocaust as Paradigm?
Jinks, R., 2 Jun 2016, 1 ed. Bloomsbury Academic.