Dr. Anthony Richards
Senior Lecturer in the School of Law and Social Sciences and co-director of the MSc in Terrorism and Counter-Terrorism Studies.
- Anthony.Richards@rhul.ac.uk
- Anthony Richards
About Dr. Richards...
Senior lecturer, author, and editor on terrorist-related themes.
Dr. Anthony Richards is a Senior Lecturer in the School of Law and Social Sciences at Royal Holloway, University of London and is a co-Director of the MSc in Terrorism and Counter-Terrorism Studies. He is also the Editorial Director of ‘Combating Jihadist Terrorism and Extremism’ (www.cojit.org), an independent and privately funded research project on terrorism and counter-terrorism in the UK, and is lead editor for Jihadist Terror: New Threats, New Responses (Bloomsbury, 2019). Dr. Richards is the author of Conceptualizing Terrorism which was published with Oxford University Press in 2015 and is the lead editor for the volume Terrorism and the Olympics: Major Event Security and Lessons for the Future (Routledge, 2011). He has published on a wide variety of other terrorist related themes including radicalisation and extremism, UK counter-terrorism, British public and Muslim attitudes towards both terrorism and counter-terrorism, homeland security, terrorism and sport, and terrorism in Northern Ireland.
Richards, A., et al (eds.), Jihadist Terror, New Threats, New Responses, Bloomsbury/I.B.Tauris, (2019).
Richards, A., Conceptualizing Terrorism, Oxford University Press (2015).
Richards, A., Fussey, P., and Silke, A. (eds.), Terrorism and the Olympics: Lessons for 2012 and beyond, Routledge (2011).
Richards, A., ‘From terrorism to ‘radicalization’ to ‘extremism’: counterterrorism imperative or loss of focus?’, International Affairs, Volume 91, No. 2, (March 2015).
Richards, A., ‘Conceptualizing Terrorism’, Studies in Conflict and Terrorism, Volume 37, No. 3, (March 2014).
Richards, A., ‘Characterising the UK Terrorist Threat: The Problem with Non-Violent Ideology as a Focus for Counter-Terrorism and Terrorism as the Product of ‘Vulnerability’’, Journal of Terrorism Research, Volume 3, Issue 1, (2012).
Richards, A., ‘The problem with ‘radicalisation’, the remit of ‘Prevent’, and the need to refocus on terrorism in the UK’, International Affairs, (January, 2011).
Michel, T., and Richards, A., ‘False Dawns or New Horizons? Further Issues and Challenges for Critical Terrorism Studies’, Critical Studies on Terrorism, Volume 3 (September 2009).
Book Chapters
Richards, A., ‘Defining Terrorism’, in Silke, A., (ed.), Routledge Handbook of Terrorism and Counter-Terrorism, Routledge, (2018).
Richards, A., ‘Is terrorism still a useful analytical term or should it be abandoned? The YES Argument’, in Jackson, R., and Pisoiu, D. (eds.), Contemporary Debates on Terrorism, 2nd Edition, (2018).
Richards, A., ‘Constructing the terrorist threat: the merging of the discourses of terrorism, radicalisation and extremism in the UK and its consequences’, in Stohl, M. and Englund, S., (eds.) Constructions of Terrorism, University of California Press (2017).
Richards, A., ‘Countering the psychological impact of terrorism: challenges for UK homeland security’, in A. Silke (ed.) The Psychology of Counter-terrorism, London: Routledge (2011).
Richards, A., ‘Terrorism and Sport’, in Richards A., Fussey, P., Silke A. (eds.), Terrorism and the Olympics: Lessons for 2012 and beyond, London: Routledge (2011).
Richards, A., with Fussey, P. and Silke A., ‘Towards an Understanding of Terrorism and the Olympics’, in Richards A., Fussey, P., Silke A. (eds.), Terrorism and the Olympics: Lessons for 2012 and beyond, London: Routledge (2011).
Fussey, P., Richards, A., and Silke A., ‘Critical Reflections on Securing the Olympics: Conclusions and Ways Forward’, in Richards A., Fussey, P., Silke A. (eds.), Terrorism and the Olympics: Lessons for 2012 and beyond, London: Routledge (2011)